Evan Avery Dies in Car Accident, Rock Bridge Student and Footballer

Posted by Trudie Dory on Friday, May 3, 2024

In a collision involving four cars on Friday night, one child was murdered, according to a statement on social media by Columbia Police.

According to a social media post from the football coach at the school, Evan Avery, a student and player at Rock Bridge High School, perished in the collision.

The organization intends to conduct a vigil for Avery in the high school’s stadium on Saturday at 7 o’clock.

According to the police department, the accident was caused by one vehicle running a red light, which led to it being struck in the side. There were no seat belts being worn by any of the occupants in this car, and at least one person was thrown from it.

The incident took place at the intersection of West Nifong Boulevard and Bethel Street. Six more passengers were injured, including another young kid who sustained potentially deadly wounds, according to the police department.

On Friday night, just after 11 p.m., police showed up at the scene of the crash.

In March, a crash near the same intersection claimed the life of a high school student on a motorcycle.

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